Happy Slime免费下载游戏攻略
Happy Slime - Draw lines so that the lizun falls into the jar.
Do you like interesting puzzles and draw with your finger? Then you found your game!
Happy Slime is a game for everyone who loves simple and complex puzzles!
Draw a line so that the slide gets into the glass. Bank filled - level passed! Faced difficulties - use the hint and play on!
Happy Slime is:
- Hundreds of levels that will make your brain work!
- Real physics - lizun flows like a real one!
- A huge selection of colors, stickers, paints, cans and other things - collect the entire collection!
- Many hours of fun and good!
Run the game on any device and play everywhere. Fun trials for your mind are already waiting for you!
曾推出《灯塔之下》、《砖形枪》等大量佳作的Nitrome将和Neutronized联手带来一款新作:《Slime Pizza》。从视频来看,游戏和Nitrome以往的很多作品一样,又贱又可爱,有着一股让人放不下手的魔性。
玩家在《Slime Pizza》中扮演是是一名类似于披萨送餐员的角色,他的飞船意外坠机,导致披萨饼变成了碎块散落在空间里,你的任务就是利用一个黏糊糊的绿色物质把它们黏上,在...
今天向大家介绍的乐队是——Hello, Happy World!
活动时间:2019-06-21 00:00:00 至 2019-06-24 00:00:00
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