Oxygon Quest免费下载游戏攻略
Welcome to an underwater survival adventure! You are a submarine abandoned in the deep ocean and the only way to escape the jeopardy is to maintain your oxygen to vital levels.
Aim the next oxygen tank that you see and get a few more breaths. The submarine will move to reach it!
Don’t be tricked by the fish! They are not as friendly as they look! When the time is right you will have your chance to exterminate them and increase your score!
Propellers are your lives! Don’t miss the chance to obtain the next you see if you want to make it a little further.
Collect as many Starfish as you can! They are converted to Turtle Tokens that you can use to unlock advanced submarines. If you are lucky enough you may, also, find a Turtle Token wandering around.
Can’t you wait to collect the required Turtle Tokens to unlock an advanced submarine? Watch a few Ads and it will be yours instantly! Beware, though that each submarine needs you to reach at least a certain level to become available, so level up!
Make sure to gather any power-up collectables in your way since they are meant to make your journey to the surface of the sea more tolerable.
Check some of the power-ups that may be found in your path:
* Automatic submarine movement upwards.
* Make each starfish to count for two.
* Get temporarily infinite oxygen.
* Magnetize any collectables in your way even they are not in your route.
* Make the submarine speed up.
* Bombard fish to extermination.
* Increase your score instantly by 200 points.
The Office Quest办公室任务是一款冒险游戏,Office Quest是为了不想继续待在办公室的各位所设计的点击类冒险游戏,加入办公室任务游戏解开具有挑战性的难题和谜语吧,在Office Quest游戏中你可以把烦心事全部发泄出来。
办公室任务攻略,下面就为大家详细讲解The Office Quest通关图文攻略,希望这篇通关攻略对有在玩这款游戏的小伙伴们有所帮助。
游戏简介:The Office Quest《办公室任务》是一款趣味无穷的娱乐休闲游戏,一直尽心尽力为公司工作你,不但没有加薪反而被老板降职,于心不甘的你决定报复公司,反正玩玩也没事,在老板眼皮底下开溜,去外面住找点乐趣吧!
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