PointRiversi is a new point system Reversi!
The basic rules are the same as for a normal Reversi, but you will compete in points, not the number of squares earned.
Normal frame is 1 point, but there are special mass and special frame which point is doubled and tripled respectively in mass and frame, and it becomes the point according to each when using these.
Also, these can be combined, and up to 9 frames can be created.
The element of one shot reversal is higher than usual Reversi, and you can enjoy a deeper game.
◆ We implement rating system in random match and can compete with other players for ranking.
◆ In Room Match, you can play a match between friends who entered the same password (4 digits).
The rating does not change.
・ If the application is terminated or communication is disconnected in the middle of the game, it will be treated as a loss and the rating will drop.
• Set in advance when to use special frames.
I do not know when the other party will use it.
-Special squares are placed at random positions every time.
However, it is not placed in the center 4 squares where the piece is placed first and its surroundings.
・ A time limit has been established to prevent any delay.
Holding time is up to 30 seconds, each 10 seconds to recover.
※ These specifications may be improved or changed in future updates.