Deadly Bird免费下载游戏攻略
Deadly Bird is a mobile Game. It was developed by German video game developer @Hunnenkönig| The game is a acrade mobile video game where the player controls a dead bird, named "Deady", he moves continuously to the up, between sets of pipes. If the player touches the pipes, they lose. "Deady" briefly flaps upward each time that the player taps the Screen; if the screen is not tapped, "Deady" falls because of gravity; each pair of pipes that he navigates between earns the player a single point.
Deadly Bird is a mobile game. It was developed by German video game developer @ Hunnenkönig | The game is a mobile video game where the player controls a dead bird, named "Deady", he moves continuously to the top, between sets of pipes. If the player touches the pipes, they are loose. "Deady" briefly flaps upward each time that the player taps the screen; if the screen is not tapped, "deady" if because of gravity; each pair of pipes that navigates between earns the player a single point.
很可惜,前端时间风靡一时的小鸟下架了,但是没关系,这只小鸟已经深深地印在了大家的脑海里,不会湮灭。听说,某宅男把小鸟改成了PC版,至于pc版是怎样的呢,大家去就去看一下吧。 不管是出于官司原因、还是作者避免其影响自己的生活,极品手游Flappy Bird最终还是下架了。不过人们对它的热情不减,现在,技术宅又建起了网站,就是依照Flappy Bird原型打造。
Flappy Bird 312分 国人首个300分破纪录视频...
玩家玩《Flappy Bird》通关失败怒砸手机
《Flappy Bird》是一款越南程序员制作的小游戏,这款简单的小游戏早在2013年5月就推向市场,直到11月才开始逐渐吸引到用户。但到了今年1月份迅速爆发,长期占据美国地区App Store和Google Play免费应用前十位置。