Tiana Magic Adventure免费下载游戏攻略
This amazingly Tiana Adventures girls game is designed for families with controls simple enough to be played by boys and girls of all ages to join in on this fun running game.
Story talks about a lovely little girl Tiana lived happy with his family.One day Tiana's family was kidnapped by wizard .Help beautiful baby girl Tiana rescue his family from the demons of the underworld in this jumping game adventure! Collect thousands of coins, wipe out countless enemies and utilize an assortment of wild acrobatic contraptions to reach the exit at the end of each level.
Now, Tiana has to rescue her family and recover the lost treasure from the devil in the adventure world. This is where the game starts when cute little Tiana has to pass through a world, storms , full of evil elements like monsters, bees etc. to complete the mission.
Tiana's family have left a trail of coins to help him track them down. Collect as many glittering treasures as you can by smashing over crates, barrels, sacks and in hidden areas.
Explore the islands of Uncharted Seas, a world filled with many dangers, puzzles and secrets. Fight monsters, learn to use magic and discover ancient treasures which will help you on your quest. Use all your wits and skill to unravel the mysteries of ancient kingdom Arcadia.
Tiana Island Adventures combines captivating storytelling, breathtaking 2D visuals and exciting gameplay into one massive action adventure experience you will never forget.
Tiana Story World run! Be ready to enjoy this jumping & running game! Never miss it!. Start your adventure now and smash through those tricky monsters: snails, spiders, scorpion, carnivorous flower and so many other enemies
With 80 levels to explore, little Tiana will travel across treetops, through sand-filled tombs, icy caves and the overflowing lava pits of the underworld
Tiana's adventure Story world is a challenging and addictive game for the game lovers with some amazing game play, stunning graphics and awesome sound effects.
- 80 levels of fast-paced action!
- Unique combination of classic gameplay mechanics: Aim, shoot, jump, fly and roll!
- Cheerful and amazing graphics!
- Easy to learn, as modern endless runners!
- Hard to master, like old retro platformers, a true blast from the past!
- Epic Orchestral Soundtrack.
This 2D adventure game will give you a chance both to put your brain to good use, as here you will have not only to fight for dear life, but also to solve entertaining puzzles!
Enjoy an incredible soundtrack from the best video game composers.
Tiana Magical Adventures games is a one of the best journey game in store
Downloat it now!! and start your journey!
关于首款集换式卡牌游戏(CCG)《万智牌》,我想很多朋友都听说过。近几年,《万智牌》有转战移动平台的趋势,以每年一款的速度不徐不疾地推出了好几款游戏,去年的《万智牌:旅法师对决》号称邀请了15为游戏大神前来助阵,最后推出后却表现平平,没能抢过《炉石传说》的风采。近日,开发商 Wizards of the Coast 将再接再厉,推出“旅法师对决”的续作——《万智牌对决:起源 Magic Duels...
AR创业公司Magic Leap在新一轮融资中获得7.935亿美元的投资,阿里、谷歌都参与了本轮融资。据外媒估测,完成C轮融资后,Magic Leap的估值至少达到45亿美元。
45亿美元是什么概念?两年前Facebook收购Oculus的时候,出价也不过是20亿美元,也就是说Magic Le...
近日,全球领先的数字和社交游戏开发、发行商Gameloft与世界知名电子游戏公司世嘉(SEGA)共同宣布,另玩家翘首以盼的《Sonic Runners Adventure》将于12月20日在App Store及Google Play双端发布。为确保玩家能够与这只世界上速度最快的刺猬并驾齐驱,游戏专门为玩家开启了预购。现在前往App Store预订游戏,游戏将会在发售当天自动下载到玩家的设备上。