sllg club B免费下载游戏攻略
Funny spelling game for children (age 4 to 7) to learn the spelling of words – for kindergarten, preschool, elementary school or to learn English spelling as foreigner.
No foreknowledge is required, not even the ABC (but it could help to know it).
The game bases on the repetition of spelling a word.
Simply drag the letters to their proper places and earn score points for every correct letter. Like writing on paper each letter must be individually dragged.
With each new word all its letters are displayed, so the correct spelling of the word is given.
Later the letters disappear one by one and at the end the word has to be written from memory.
In virtue of repeating the words the learn process is very good.
For better learning, the words are ordered in small groups (5 words each). When one group ends, the next group starts.
This app contains 30 words. Other 100 words you find in “spelling club BS 2”.
In the “settings” (gear symbol) the level of single or all words can be set from beginners to experts. So learning can be abbreviated for words already known. Single words can even marked as learned, for example, when they are too difficult for the age of a child. Words signed with “OK” don’t participate any more.
Have more than one child? Then this gimmick could interest you. Up to 6 children can use the same mobile device! Every single child can choose its own personal token at the beginning of the game (a bird, a dog, a cat, a bear, a penguin or a horse). The app saves the learning progress of each single token.
Misspelling was yesterday, today helps spelling club!
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