Survive VR免费下载游戏攻略
SURVIVE VR is a virtual reality simulator that aims to spread awareness on what to do before, during, and after a specific aircraft incident. It has 3 modes - Gallery, Simulation, and Free Roam.
SURVIVE VR is created to lessen the casualties due to tragedies that involve an aircraft. It takes the user to a virtual world where he can learn and simulate the correct emergency procedures during a particular emergency situation.
This app enables the user to see and know the functions of the different emergency items that he could encounter when an emergency in an aircraft happens. In the simulation mode, it enables the user to experience the possible scenario that could happen before, during and after an aircraft incident. The simulation will only be successful if he had finished all the correct procedures to be observed during the emergency.
This app will bring interest to those who want to travel and ride an airplane, especially the ones who have not yet even tried to experience riding it. This is also applicable to those who are scared of riding an airplane because they have a negative thinking that the plane will crash. Also, this app can be utilized for some schools who are offering a course that has something to do with aircrafts.
网易《代号: survive》定名《明日之后》 新手试玩演示,《明日之后》是一款高度拟真的沙盒生存MMO手游。在采集、砍树、采矿、打猎获得基本资源后,玩家可用来烹饪食物、制作武器和防具等等生存所需要的物品。游戏内有昼夜变化,在寒冷的夜里,你必须待在篝火旁、或手持火把才可以避免冻伤。...
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