Brawl Stars ROMANIA免费下载游戏攻略
Brawl Stars, descarca jocul si incearca sa ghicesti toti brawlerii !
In joc sa gasesc toti BRAWLERII, descarca jocul si incearca sa ii ghicesti pe toti !
Unele nivele ale jocului sunt simple dar altele mult mai grele !
Scopul jocului este sa ghiciti personajele aplicatiei - BRAWL STARS - ajutati de imaginile de pe fundal, unele nivele sunt mai grele pentru ca imaginile sunt mai greu de descoperit !
DESCARCA jocul si incearca sa ghicesti toti BRAWLERII !
Brawl Stars, download the game and try to guess all the brawlers!
In the game I find all BRAWLERS, download the game and try to guess them all!
Some levels of the game are simple but some are heavier!
The purpose of the game is to guess the characters of the application - BRAWL STARS - helped by the background images, some levels are heavier because images are harder to find!
Download the game and try to guess all BRAWLER!
Supercell的作品可以用席卷全球来形容,《部落冲突》、《皇室战争》一度火遍全球,这次芬兰手游大厂商欲进军电竞,公布了2017新作《矿星之争Brawl Stars》,这次的多人竞技游戏将会采用三人进行俯瞰视角的对战模式进。
brawl stars Shelly(雪莉?)这个英雄职业属性是一名枪手,所以这里就叫她女枪手吧,大家也比较容易记得,这个女枪手虽然是初级玩家会遇到的,但是并不代表她很弱,不值得培养吗?下面小编将会从她的属性等方面来详细介绍吧。
brawl stars Shelly基本属性
生命800 成长40
攻击80/子弹 成长4
大招80/子弹 成长4
brawl stars Shelly怎么...
荒野乱斗最新平衡环境说明:卡牌被削 死神加强? 最近荒野乱斗又进行了平衡更新,虽然大家暂时可能玩不到这些模式和英雄,但可以看到他们的最新调整情况。
平衡调整现在已经上线啦!我们上线了一些非常棒的更新来帮助改善现在的比赛环境。在这次的附加更新中,我们增加brawl ball的出现几率,同时也做了一点的地图调整。
Event Rotation 更多的brawl ball(足球模式)...