AI Paper Soccer免费下载游戏攻略
AI Paper Soccer is an abstract strategy game on paper. The main goal is to move the ball to the goal area.
AI Paper Soccer is a traditional paper-and-pencil game. It is commonly played in schools. Despite the game's simple rules, paper soccer has several expanded strategies and tactics. Our application supports wide board customization. You can specify field size and shape corresponding such famous games like football, hockey, and basketball. AI based on Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm provides strong and variable opponents for training. Also, you can play against any players all over the world in ranked matchmaking which will find an appropriate opponent automatically.
活动时间:2018-11-22 10:05:00 至 2018-11-29 12:00:00
喜大普奔,《现代海战》全新资料片“AI革命”今日重磅上线,带来全新人工智能玩法,哎呦,不错哦! “AI指挥系统”和“自定义战舰系统”两大系统震撼来临,为现代海战带来更多乐趣,你一定要一探究竟哦!
由菲律宾游戏开发商Unlibox推出的益智独立游戏《Evergrow: Paper Forest》目前已经移植到移动平台,有兴趣的玩家可以一试哦。
《Evergrow: Paper Forest》将一个孩子的玩具桌变成了一场穿越森林的旅行,游戏的目标是引导小兔子通过一片纸质森林,兔子每行进一步,该格子将被花草覆盖,将花草覆盖住全部的各自即完成关卡。当然游戏中在每一关卡都设计了一些特殊的格子和...
由菲律宾游戏开发商Unlibox推出的益智独立游戏《Evergrow: Paper Forest》目前已经移植到移动平台,有兴趣的玩家可以一试哦。
《Evergrow: Paper Forest》将一个孩子的玩具桌变成了一场穿越森林的旅行,游戏的目标是引导小兔子通过一片纸质森林,兔子每行进一步,该格子将被花草覆盖,将花草覆盖住全部的各自即完成关卡。当然游戏中在每一关卡都设计了一些特殊的格子和...