Math Glass免费下载游戏攻略
Math Glass puzzle uses simple arithmetic operations to provide an intellectual challenge at various levels of difficulty. Initial levels can be solved by a primary school student. At later levels one simply discovers that the human brain is too limited to test all the possible combinations to find the solution. This is where the mathematical ingenuity is required to find shortcuts in order to succeed. At the end, a diligent player will discover basic tricks of number theory.
Put number drops into a math glass to solve the puzzle!
In this strange math kitchen not every glass behaves the same way!
+ Add drops to a glass to make it full. Do not let it overflow!
− Subtract drops from a glass to make it empty. Avoid a negative water level!
× Multiply drops with the glass level to make it full. Do not let it overflow!
÷ Divide glass level with drops to reach 1. Avoid a nonzero remainder!
+−×÷ Watch out the glass operation!
Pass a level to win a key to unlock the next level.
Pass all levels in the same category to win a trophy !
Play again to collect even more diamonds .
Happy Glass28关怎么过?Happy Glass是一款益智类游戏,玩家通过自有的画线来完成关卡,简单、智能、有趣的谜题不仅充满了乐趣同时也让人非常的轻松,那么下面我们就来看下Happy Glass28具体的通关方法。
《Happy Glass》第28关攻略
关于《Happy Glass》
最近《Happy Glass》这款小游戏非常的火,一不小心就来到了App Store第二名的位置,同时这款游戏关卡也比较多,相信大家在通关的时候肯定也会遇到一些困难,那么这里也为大家带来《Happy Glass》所有关卡通关攻略大全,持续会为大家更新。
Happy Glass攻略大全
Happy Glass122关怎么过?Happy Glass是一款益智类游戏,玩家通过自有的画线来完成关卡,简单、智能、有趣的谜题不仅充满了乐趣同时也让人非常的轻松,那么下面我们就来看下Happy Glass122具体的通关方法。
《Happy Glass》第122关攻略
关于《Happy Glass》