Random Number God免费游戏加速器游戏攻略
An incremental game about probability manipulation, cards, and rolling ridiculous amounts of dice.
Use a customizable deck of cards to alter chance and defeat a never ending string of randomized robot enemies.
* Fully customizable deck of cards
* Cards generated procedurally, with effects such as increasing your number of dice, forcing or forbidding certain rolls, or even altering the number of sides on the dice
* Enemies generated by combining multiple random parts, resulting in a wide variety of possible combinations with different attributes, abilities and appearance
* Incremental progression. Your first enemies will have under a hundred health, but before you realize it you will be facing foes with a trillion health that require a quadrillion dice to take down
* Endless number of enemies of increasing difficulty to defeat. What is the highest rank you can reach?
前两天,Team Random战队全体遭永久禁赛甚嚣尘上,而战队内部也发生了内讧。而到底Team Random战队有没有遭到永久禁赛,当然还得问ACE联盟了。昨天单车老师就此事质问了ACE联盟,而联盟给出的答复是从未给出Random任何处理,在iceice长文之前也未考虑过对他们进行终身禁赛的处罚。
随后Shadow发布微博《GL HF》表示他们五人敞开心扉聊了很久,算是消除了彼此的误会。但...
曾经从默默无闻到TI6大放异彩勇夺冠军的传奇战队Wings似乎也躲不过TI魔咒,更名Random之后近日他们又曝出风波,战队翻译Jack "KBBQ" Chen在脸书上爆料称因其在基辅特锦赛成绩不佳,战队中五名队员中有四名队员将会选择退役。
目前Random战队还没有正式发出解散公告,但是官方翻译Jack "KBBQ" Chen已经在其个人脸书爆料该事已成定局。