Hopeless Bird内购解锁游戏攻略
Adventurous Bird is a simple, yet compelling game with eye catching graphics.
Help the bird to avoid the obstacles in its way and try to collect as many apples and cherries as possible.
The game has a great number of levels available and it consists of three different difficulty packs.
This is the perfect game for the whole family. If you have younger kids, they will love this game. It will challenge them and keep them busy while trying to beat the various levels. If you are an adult, give it a try on the hardest level and see if you can keep up with task.
Don’t miss out, see how far you can get. It’s fun and free!!
人气手游《Flappy Bird》自从App Store下架以来,这款游戏在玩家与业界的影响依旧存在,游戏开发者阮哈东按照此前计划重新推出这款游戏,新版本中将支持双人模式。
阮哈东周五通过亚马逊Android应用商店发布了《Flappy Bird Family》,这一新版本目前尚未在苹果App Store和谷歌Play中上线。这款游戏还支持亚马逊的Fire TV平台,同时引入了新的...
iOS和安卓平台登榜休闲神作,史上最虐心的小游戏-《Flappy Bird》是一款像素风格的休闲游戏,玩家只需要点击屏幕就可以操作游戏,控制角色通过各种障碍,游戏难度非常大。
如果你玩过《超级火柴人高尔夫2(Super Stickman Golf 2)》,再看这款游戏一定觉得很眼熟,这款游戏的玩法和关卡很大程度上借鉴了前作。不仅如此,还有着《Flappy Bird》的影子,因为这里的高尔夫球长了一对翅膀,它不是靠球杆打出去,而是自己飞到球洞里。
自从《Flappy Bird》火了之后,大批的山寨作品层出不穷。一部分是纯粹的抄袭,还有一些虽然有所借鉴,但是蛮有自己...