Laundry Wash Clothes And Ironing Game For Girls破解版下载游戏攻略
Hey girl have you ever help your mommy in her routine work?
We wash clothes two different method machine wash and hand wash method.
Machine wash take less time to hand wash method to clean clothes and freely wash.
machine method , sort the coloured clothes and white clothes in different buckets then after one by one clean coloured clothes and then white clothes ,washing take 10 min to wash clothes and dry.
Iron the dresses and enjoy changing outfit with the newly washed dresses.
Play this game and have fun! Play the role of a cleaning girl, there are lot of different activities !
Washing Clothes Laundry Girls want help and you are the only one who can help this pretty little girl, Make her look beautiful so she can attend the monthly laundry party at her friends home. Hang The Laundry! Use your memory skills with these fun laundry hanging activities!
Hang the royal family’s laundry and find the matching shapes!
Games Features
Separate all of the clothes so that they don't get messed up by the washer.
Put white coloured clothes & coloured clothes separately in two separate baskets.
Plug the switch of washing machine in switch board.
Put the dirty dresses into the washing machine and select your laundry powder.
Remove and collect the unnecessary items from the dresses.
Put the dirty dresses into the washing machine and select your laundry powder.
Add Detergent or Washing Powder in the Washing Machine.
Start the Laundry Process and make the laundry service complete.
Let it dry in the dryer, the dresses will definitely ells wonderful with a fabric conditioner!
Fold them into the right cupboard.
Dry the Washed clothes in the sunlight.
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