Test: Financial Literacy破解版下载游戏攻略
Test your intellect and logic in financial literacy! Do you want to know if you will become a rich man and when will you earn your first million? This is not an ordinary puzzle game or quiz for love, for boys and girls, for a name, age or iq. Here you will be able to determine the ways of making money, and learn how to make money. This online test can answer whether you can be rich and live in abundance. This is not an ordinary test for the psyche or for age or homeless, idiot or intellect. These questions will make you think about your financial situation, find a new job and change the scope of income sources. Each question has 3 answers. The result will surprise you! You will start differently regarding money, banks and savings. Check yourself and your friends on the knowledge of finance and how much you or your relatives have a rich brain or poor brain. Determine which of you is arter in finance.
《The River Test》是一款相当考验智力的动脑游戏,曾被用来当作在日本面试工作时的智力测验,目前正在限免中。
<仙境传说RO>手游Coffee Test线下测试实录,与您共同守护永恒的爱...
8月11日晚8点,为期3周的《仙境传说RO:守护永恒的爱》删档封测Summer Test圆满结束。时钟敲过了八点,原本在南门合照的玩家一个个消失不见,最终只剩自己独身一人站在原地。熟悉的建筑前发生的一切还历历在目,那些日夜陪伴我们的NPC还在,但一起冒险的你们不在了,回想起这3周一起经历的点点滴滴,这是专属于我们这个夏天最美好记忆了,让我们共同期待心动RO手游下一次秋天的测试!