Plane Hit!破解版下载游戏攻略
Enjoy one of the most trending dodge missiles games for Android, PLANE HIT, for FREE!
You can earn high scores when you make your plane approach the plane as much as possible! BUT be careful to avoid touching the missiles! Then you will enter the FEVER TIME!
Plane Hit is uniquely designed to release your stress, especially when you avoid the missiles and your enemies successfully. Can you fly higher and higher in the missiles clusters? Enjoy Plane Hit with people from all over the world, COME ON!
Game Features
-Free to play
-Simple to control
-Hard to master
-Endless gameplay
-Greatly Addictive
-Challenge yourself with the near impossible!
Plane Hit win points as many as you can.
Have a nice play with Plane Hit!
网易高颜值ARPG手游《HIT:我守护的一切》首届全民争霸赛经过激烈的角逐,总决赛四强已经胜出。进入4强的iOS赛区“葬月”战队、“璀璨灬Swords of Destiny”战队,安卓赛区“虾炒饭”战队和“璀璨星空”战队,从进入海选到一路摧枯拉朽打入4强,敢打敢拼的气势和稳打稳扎的输出控制简直炸翻全场。在无数场生死之战中一路过关斩将,4强战队终于迎来了本赛季终极之战——冠军争夺战。进入半决赛后,每...
在这次的国际游戏展览会「G-STAR 2017」当中,NEXON大手笔展出了旗下手机游戏「OVERHIT」,为NEXON摊位上唯一设置试玩摊位的手机游戏。
本作以Unreal Engine 4打造,标榜具有手机游戏最高水准的画质。
本作以Unreal Engine 4打造,标榜具有手机游戏最高水准的画质。拥有电影般技能演出的120多名英雄角色,以及如同观看电影般的短篇剧情是其最大的亮点。「冒险模式」是以消耗玩家最基本的耐力而进行的游戏内容,并以「第2 远征队」的冒险故事做为其主要剧情。