Happy love Bottle!破解版下载游戏攻略
welcome to the World of Happy Love Bottle!
new Game 2019 love Bottle which needs sense rather than the skill. only creative people can beat all level and don't be affraid to think out of the box!
I am a glass which is empty, I need water to fill up me!, Then I will be happy with a smile to you.
- Fun and relaxing theme that will make you stay in the advance level for quite some time
- Fill the Happy Glass with draw physics line in puzzle physics ball game.
- Easy to play but hard to control, you'll find its nice and fun!
- Multiple ways to solve each level, can you find the best solution!
- A brain-training puzzle game challenge that activates your mind as you play!
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happy glass121关怎么过?相信很happy glass玩到121关的时候都会被这关卡住,小编最初在这一关也停留了一段时间,不过在想到过关思路之后就发现其实很简单了。
happy glass121关怎么过
关于happy glass121关的过关技巧其实非常简单,只是大家在解决问题的思路上有点小问题,所以一直想不上去。
Happy Glass128-129关怎么过?最后的这2关是难住了菲朵网友的存在,不过大家不用担心,今天小编为大家整理了最新想的Happy Glass128-129关的过关攻略给大家分享,需要的网友就赶快来看看吧。
Happy Glass128-129关过关攻略
关于Happy Glass128-129这2关的过关难度还是有一点的,大家如果找不到思路可能想几天都不一定能过关。不过如果你能够想上...