No Man's Slime破解版下载游戏攻略
Perhaps, everyone knows a toy slime. It is known for the fact that it can be crushed, bent and deformed as you like - the slime will endure everything.
And now imagine a slime the size of a PLANET! Imagine how many interesting opportunities you have! You can painlessly and without the pain of conscience deform the whole planet with its atmosphere and climate!
Launch a meteorite in the planet or just tap with your finger - see how the planet will change its shape.
But that's what is not in the usual slime toy, it's the Doomsday Device! And in this application is. Burn the planet, destroy the atmosphere, split and smash it into pieces!
There is choice of 9 planets of the solar system. Start with the one that most like it!
Feel the pleasure of a planetary scale!
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DAN THE MAN角色进阶技巧攻略
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又到了回忆的时候了,曾经的小游戏们如今也改头换面重新来过了,Halfbrick Studios曾打造了充满趣味的横版动作闯关游戏《Dan the Man》,或许玩家们可以把这看做是一款整容版的《超级马里奥》。手游时代这款游戏也不会错过新的平台,此前《Dan the Man》已经登陆了安卓平台,而根据GDC大会上的消息,《Dan the Man》将很快登陆iOS平台。
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