Fruits Epic破解版下载游戏攻略
It is a fun puzzle game with lot of cool and challenging levels. In an epic journey of fruits, one panda gave a puzzle to monkey. Monkey was very hungry and it loved bananas, to get the bananas, the monkey need to solve all the puzzles to eat the bananas. Help the monkey to solve the puzzles and have fun.
How To Play:
- Link more than 3 fruits to score and solve the puzzles
- Don't link 2 fruits, it will reduce your score
- Smash the fruits in the given time and reach the target
- Fruits Link can be extended left, right, up, down and diagonal as well
- Use Special Powers to score more
* Link more 5 fruits to gain additional 100 points and more than 8 fruits to gain additional 200 points
* Use the power ups to score more
* Rich Graphics
* Challenging Levels
* Star Rewards
* Time Challenge
Try out the game and Have Fun...and Enjoy...!
Start playing Fruits Epic game and have fun in the jungle..!
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Epic工作室创始人Tim Sweeney在接受媒体采访时说道:“我们Epic一共有700人,参与《堡垒之夜...
去年福布斯公布V社G胖是全美最富有的人之一,但现在另一位游戏界大佬的财富已经超过G胖,他就是Epic游戏创始人兼CEO Tim Sweeney。
根据彭博社世界最富有的前500名富豪排行,Gabe Newell目前身价为43.4亿美元,排在全球富豪榜第385位,而Tim Sweeney以71.6亿美元身价排在第192位。G胖凭借Steam独霸PC游戏市场,而Tim Sweeney凭借《堡垒之...