Urban Challenger Rally破解版下载游戏攻略
The Urban Challenger Rally is a city exploration game that will help your team to grow stronger through fun and playful challenges. Teams of 6-8 people compete against each other in completing as many of our challenges in a time frame of three hours. Afterwards we share our experience and reflect, how we worked together as a team in this playful game setting. The challenges are designed to make the team members get in touch with the city and its people. There are challenges of different categories in the game:
• Explorers find hidden places and discover the city in new ways.
• Artists will try to grasp the atmosphere of the city in creative ways.
• Connector will have you interact and bond within your team and approach the people around you.
• Foodies will try to local cuisine and customs.
• Time Traveler challenges will let you find traces of the past in the city.
• Nature Lovers will find and experience green spots and projects the city has to offer.
If you’re curious about the Urban Challenger Rally and want to participate, check our website and get in touch!
The Urban Challenger Rally is a city exploration game that wants to help your team grow stronger and more fun. Teams of 6-8 people compete against each other in a single frame of three hours. Afterwards we share our experience and reflect on how we work together as a team in this playful game setting. The challenges are to make the team members get in touch with the city and its people. There are challenges of different categories in the game:
• Explorers find hidden places and discover the city in new ways.
Artists will try to grasp the atmosphere of the city in creative ways.
• Connector wants to interact with your team and approach the people around you.
• Foodies wants to try local cuisine and customs.
• Time Traveler Challenges will let you find the past in the city.
• Nature Lovers wants to find green spots and projects the city has to offer.
If you're curious about the Urban Challenger Rally and want to participate, check our website and get in touch!
城市帝国Urban Empire收入怎么提高?城市帝国Urban Empire收入提高攻略 、接下来和小编一年看看
1 税收在早期至少百分之15以上才能让你比较潇洒你活到第三个时代
2 和别的游戏不一样 这游戏工厂是个种田玩意 你要慢慢的呵护它 迁就它 让它升级 每一级别收入差别大的很。 法令也尽量保护下工厂 。 环境在四时代前都无所谓可以牺牲掉。
3 步子不要迈太大。再多的钱也经不起你搞好...
城市帝国Urban Empire新手攻略、接下来和小编一起看看
城市帝国Urban Empire开局攻略、接下来和小编一年看看