Don't Wanna Drop破解版下载游戏攻略
It's a wonderful game for increasing concentration power and individual reflex.
The player has to focus on the ball and direct it toward the stairs.
The colour of the stairs sometimes resembles the background but if you focus enough you can find the difference and cross that huddle easily.
Time after time the size of the stairs reduces and requires quick reflex to jump toward next stair.
These challenges improve the human ability of colour detection and reflex time.
A Fun way of improving these abilities is with this game.
You surely find improvement after a week of playing this game.
Take this game as an exercise, not as a game.
Too hard to make an I wanna中文破解版是一款非常有意思的射击游戏,包括各种不同难度的关卡,非常考验你的专注力、反应速度和耐心,在游戏中,玩家需要在限定的时间射到存档点,本次的版本添加了这次还加了坑的部分, 大部分是背板,喜欢的朋友赶紧来下载吧!
Too hard to make an I wanna作者介绍
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