Crime Angel Superhero Vegas Air Strike破解版下载游戏攻略
Crime Angel Superhero is a city simulator in third person view (and FPS mode), where you drive an amazing cars or a motorbike. Become a chief on the streets of anti criminality in town. You play is a hero / legend and whole city fears you.
Be ready to rob, kill, shoot and fight all the criminals. Are your ready for great anti criminal adventure? Stealing auto cars, racing through streets, and shooting down gangsters. Try out all the supercars and bikes. Make stunts on a bmx or find an ultimate F-90 tank or devastating battle helicopter. Do you have enough guts to rise to the top of the criminal piles?
You are a superhero. You will fight various mafia gangsters from America, Russia, China, Mexico, Japan etc. The game contains fully Open world Environment. Most of the missions will be on streets, some will be in chinatown district and other gang lands etc. Explore the big city, go off-roading to the mountains, steal and drive super cars, shoot guns and more in this free open world game.
You can shoot a rope to a building and climb over the building to the top. You have special real powers. You can shoot dangerous laser beam from your eyes. The style of city is similar to Miami or Las Vegas but actualy it's New York. Your legs also very powerful. Don't underestimate them. Don't mess with the police, they are the good ones. You can also buy a lot of things in a shop to help you complete missions and release the city from all mafia sinners. You can also work as a taxi driver or garbage man collector or fireman.
Explore the crime city, full of gangs and aggressive fractions. Become citizen's hope as a standard of justice, or come to the city as a new doom knight. Dominate the city with a devastating firepower of advanced military vehicles or upgrade your hero to knock down enemies in a few kicks! Let it be a beautiful city, do not turn into crime city with blood and robbery.
- Ingame shop
- Visually stunning graphics, character and army vehicle models, Helicopter, Air fighter, etc.
- Realistic car drifting
- HD quality graphics
- A lot of Guns to buy and shoot
- Off road terrains to explore
- Hours of gameplay
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