Infinity Orbz破解版下载游戏攻略
Infinity Orbs is a skill based game played by simply moving up-and-down to make your way through the columns while collecting orbs. You will be able to obtain power ups throughout your game play such as the large ball that can break through the columns, the small ball that makes it easier to avoid columns, and the shooting ball that can shoot columns down. Use these power ups to help you advance further in Infinity orbs. The goal is to collect as many orbs as possible with hits the columns.
《生命线:中途无限》(Lifeline: Halfway to Infinity)是一款文字类的冒险游戏。泰勒的旅程还在继续!这一次他在被困在一个环绕着黑洞的奇特的行星之上,而玩家将再次对泰勒伸出援手。你所做的决定将会影响泰勒的人生、人类的命运和时间本身。
从像素世界跨越至三维立体空间,“永不停止出版”的新月游戏(Crescent Moon Games)在发行了《让我离开这里》(Get Me Outta Here)后,终于将另一款足以媲美《浴火银河》系列的太空射击佳作公之于众。
如其宣传片所示,《Subdivision Infinity》典型的3D第一人称飞行视角令人为之留下了深刻印象,照亮夜空伪装成萤火虫般的船只,宛若流星飞溅般划过机翼两侧的...
生命: 16583 攻击: 4333 防御: 695
暴击率:2% 连击率: 18% 伤害加成: 0%
暴击伤害:150% 连击伤害: 15% 伤害减免: 0%