Hey K-popers , , , ,
are you fans twice ???
are you are the real k-popers???
Your favorite song Twice is here at your finger, this game is simply enjoy the game by taping on black tiles.
Twice Piano tiles is the best piano tiles ,you can play the most popular song of Twice.
Twice Piano tiles new piano game for fans.
This game piano music song of twice with piano music instrument.
this application consists of several modes:
1. mode piano
2. mode hard
for piano mode, don't tap it wrong. for bomb mode don't tap the bomb because it is a bomb
list rhytme in this application are:
1. Likey
2. Cheer Up
3. Dance The Night Away
4. Heart Shaker
5. Knock Knock
6. Ooh Ahh
7. Signal
8. What Is Love
9. TT
don't forget to give this application a rate so that it becomes a well-known application.
This game is not an official app.
There is no copyrighted material , or his record label.
For entertainment purposes only.
2016年9月29日-10月1日,由昆山市人民政府支持,全球移动游戏联盟(GMGC)主办,昆山花桥经济开发区管委会联合主办的中国(昆山)数字娱乐节(简称:GMGC昆山)在昆山花桥国际博览中心盛大举行。此次大会以“天下为娱,昆山有戏”为主题,秉承“不忘初心,忠于玩家”的核心理念,从广大玩家和用户的视角来探索移动游戏及泛娱乐产业未来的创新发展。Firefly Games创始人兼CEO Michael ...
由Miracle Games代理发行的《不良人2》Win10版本即将霸气登陆微软官方商店,此次该游戏的重点是三端互通!无论是你是哪种终端玩家,什么操作方式,只要是Win1系统的设备,都可以畅玩这个游戏,不限时间不限地点,随时随地感受不良人的世界!
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