Math Games Maths Tricks, Maths Tables破解版下载游戏攻略
Math Games : Maths Tricks, Maths Tables
Math Games - Maths Tricks for everyone from kids to adults. Mathematical calculations to play and practice with simple addition subtraction multiplication and division.
Maths Tables, Maths Games, Maths Tricks, Vedic Maths
Improve your math skills with this application. Fun games that will be a challenge and at the same time you will see how your results improve, you can also compare your scores with the rest of the world.
You can also configure a game as you want to practice what you like or have more difficulties (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, square root ...)
Practice for a few minutes a day to get better results.
Test your mind, skill and speed in the fight with time.
There are mathematical methods in just a 2 - 3 seconds multiply 11*83, 104*108, square 75, take the square root of 4489, divide 33126 by 5 and many others.
This application - a game and a guide which includes the most effective mathematical methods of mental arithmetic.
This program is designed for those who want to learn interesting mathematical tricks to speed up the calculating. These tricks will help solve part of the mathematical problems and tasks much faster than classical. Will also be helpful to those who want to hone basics such as the multiplication table.
When you learn these mathematical tricks, you'll be able to show off your skills to friends and prove to them that you have a talent for mathematics. New skills you can use in the store, at school, at college, at work - wherever thanks to quick calculation skills can save a lot of precious time.
Fun Math Tricks:
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication table
4. Division
5. Multiply two digit number by 11
6. Square numbers ending in 5
7. Multiply by 5
8. Multiply by 9
9. Multiply by 4
10. Dividing by 5
11. Subtracting from 1000
12. Tough multiplication
13. Power of two
14. Adding numbers close to hundreds
15. Subtracting numbers close to hundreds
16. Multiply numbers between 11 and 19
17. Square numbers between 11 and 99
18. Multiply two digit numbers having same tens digit and ones digits add up to ten
19. Square numbers between 50 and 59
20. Square numbers between 40 and 49
21. Multiply two digit numbers editing in 1
22. Percent
23. Square numbers between 100 and 109
Now download and play for free!
It has been designed suitable for both the smartphones and the tablets.
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《Math Games Maths Tricks, Maths Tables破解版下载》下载版本说明
《Math Games Maths Tricks, Maths Tables破解版下载》
Math Games Maths Tricks, Maths Tables破解版又称绿色版,严格来说这不属于一种授权版本,因为它是针对商业版、试用版、共享版这类有使用限制的软件进行二次开发之后形成的特殊版本,Math Games Maths Tricks, Maths Tables破解版就是不需要商业付出的一种版本。很多网站提供的破解版都是不能用或者带有风险的,小编建议玩家还是到九游下载正规的版本,金币、钻石等的无限使用不一定要依靠破解版,九游Math Games Maths Tricks, Maths Tables专区有很多实用的攻略教大家的!