Brain training memory and concentration破解版下载游戏攻略
Brain Training - is the best app for concentration training. A specially developed exercise significantly improves concentration and affects the better performance and efficiency of our brain. This is great support for learning and working memory.
The game is intended for both children and adults.
How to play?
The user counts in the memory the number of occurrences of four digits (1-4) drawn in subsequent cycles. The exercise begins with five repetitions increased in subsequent rounds. After each round, enter the four numerical values assigned to the four digits indicating the number of occurrences of each one. The correct answers are assigned points that we can compare with the results of other players around the world.
Brain Test是一款非常好玩的脑筋急转弯手游,在游戏中会有许多的谜题等待玩家去解锁,通过打开自己的脑洞从而进行通关,许多玩家不知道第3关该怎么过,接下来小编就给大家分享一下。
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Brain Test第3关怎么过
脑力风暴brain it on第40关怎么过,脑力风暴brain it on第40关图文通关攻略,下面和九游小编一起来看看吧!
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