Pocket Puppy GO AR破解版下载游戏攻略
Mobile pocket encyclopedia for children about dogs. In this game you have to find and catch puppies which have escaped. They have a disguise and they good hide, they can be detected only with the help of the special application Pocket Puppy GO AR.
Explore the local city or village to search for puppy. You can find dogs on the street, in the courtyard, in the park, in the buildings and even in your apartment.
To catch a puppy, you need to throw a red ball into it. Collect a complete collection of cute puppies.
The technology of augmented reality involves the use of a gyroscope and a artphone camera in the game for search and catching virtual pets.
风靡一时的Pokemon Go,掀起了全球AR游戏热潮,国内的玩家期待Pokemon登陆中国已经很久了。近日由百玩游戏自主研发的3D萌宠AR手游《吃货宇宙之女王守卫》即将上线内测!该游戏不仅还原了即将上映的动画大电影《吃货宇宙》的整个故事剧情,还拓展了战斗、宠物养成、AR合影等新颖的玩法,这是继 Pokemon 之后首款在国内发布的3D版AR手游,12月2日(周六)即将上线,你准备好了吗?
有人说Pokémon Go能火起来的原因,除了可爱的小精灵外,就是它能让玩家走出家门,不但可以抓精灵还能交盆友!
直播的热潮总是随着社会热点在变化,游戏直播也是跟随游戏产品演变,从当年魔兽、dota,到LOL鼎盛,炉石、守望先锋异军突起,而最近,又有一款新游戏凸显洗版之势,而且这款游戏的直播形式,比传统游戏更为丰富,不止需要到户外直播,还能虚拟与现实相结合,它就是近期全球火爆的AR+LBS游戏——《Pokemon Go》(口袋妖怪Go)。
Pokemon Go成直播新宠儿
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