Features 2 modes:
- Hurry or Hungry: The bunny and the kitty will get hungry if you don't feed them.
- Free mode: No health bar, no rush.
Becareful, there is Swap Food! Eating this food will swap bunny and kitty seat.
The best family game you can play with your kids!
Try tapping on the bunny or the kitty!
《Pancake and Milkshake!如何保存进度》下载版本说明
《Pancake and Milkshake!如何保存进度》关于游戏如何保存进度的问题分两种,像Pancake and Milkshake!是可以直接保存进度的,一般手机网络游戏都可以直接保存进度在服务器,不需要任何操作,可以直接退出。但是有的游戏需要在游戏场景内寻找存档点,点击存档点才能保存游戏进度,存档点有可能是一块发光的石头、一个打开的箱子,一般会有中文提示,各位玩家可以耐心找一找。