Switch the Color如何升级版本游戏攻略
This game is very difficult, even the developer couldn't pass through it☠️
Tap on the screen and get through moving circles and different traps
✅Your ball(your player) has to have the same color of the circle. It's the only way you can pass through it.
✅There will be black circles. You have to collect them to change the color of your ball
✅You will meet different kinds of traps on your way
✅Don't break your mobile phone! Just enjoy time spending
《无主之地3》首发登陆了PS4、Xbox One和Epic,未来还将登陆Steam和谷歌云游戏平台Stadia。此外也不排除游戏还将登陆任天堂Switch,游戏总监Paul Sage在最近的直播活动中留下了一句模棱两可的话。
在最近的直播活动上,《无主之地3》游戏总监Paul Sage被问到本作是否会移植到Switch上。对此,Sage给出了一个非常简单的回复:“永远不要说永不(Never ...