You are a genius? The triangle如何升级版本游戏攻略
You are a genius? Prove it! Combine the same figures to generate other figures until you get a triangle.
Combine the pictures with a swipe, when you make a swipe all the pictures are pushed in the direction of the swipe and the equal pictures collide and form a new pictures. run swipe and make pictures collide until you get a triangle. does it seem easy? it will not be! try it!
This game is based on (Thanks a lot Gabriele!)
节奏大师Trust in you怎么过教程分享,节奏大师Trust in you也是一首比较有名气的歌曲,作为约会大作战OP前奏纯音部分很好听哦,中间歌曲部分二元次动漫青春感十足,看到这里部分小伙伴课会好奇,为什么在自由闯关中没有看到这首歌,那么是因为Trust in you歌曲属性是神秘歌曲哦,获得方式暂未开放。
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想打小兵打英雄 ,想打英雄打小兵的困扰吗?
你有遇到过按攻击键人物乱走又不打人的困扰吗? 现在我教大家游戏内的设置,保证一劳永逸 解决攻击目标混乱问题
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