PI VR Human Body如何升级版本游戏攻略
-Shrink down to take an amazing adventure in the human bloodstream!
-See your immune system in action by visiting your bloodstream in a virtual reality environment. Find out about vaccines, white blood cells, allergies, and more, even as you watch your body fight off infection.
-Build your knowledge with videos, photographs, animations, and more.
-Test your knowledge with built-in brain-teaser quizzes!
When prompted to scan, look for the QR Code located on the first page in your PI VR Human Body book in order to access interactive content!
If you don't have the book visit https://pilbooks.com/PIVRHumanBody/ and scan the QR Code located on the webpage!
今日在E3发布会上,Atlus公布了《凯瑟琳Full Body》的新预告。在宣传片中除了角色亮相外,色气满满的推箱子也是相当惹人注目。
《凯瑟琳Full Body》最新宣传片
《凯瑟琳》于2011年2月推出,讲述一个名为文森的32岁单身上班族主角,受困于“凯瑟琳”的噩梦之中的奇幻故事。而续作《凯瑟琳Full Body》将困扰玩家的噩梦“推箱子解谜”系统大幅强化,追加了《原创模式》,增加了...
今天,Atlus社公开了旗下《凯瑟琳》系列新作《凯瑟琳 Full Body》的最新情报,介绍了男女主角以及新登场角色,一起来看看吧!
·《凯瑟琳Full Body》本作将困扰玩家的噩梦“推箱子解谜”系统大幅强化,...