3D Catur Offline如何升级版本_九游手机游戏
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3D Catur Offline如何升级版本
3D Catur Offline如何升级版本
3D Catur Offline如何升级版本
3D Catur Offline如何升级版本游戏攻略
Game 3D Catur Offline terbaik ada di sini! Catur adalah permainan papan untuk dua pemain. Hal ini dimainkan di papan persegi, terbuat dari 64 kotak kecil, dengan delapan kotak di setiap sisi. Setiap pemain mulai dengan enam belas buah: delapan pion, dua ksatria, dua uskup, dua Rooks, satu queen dan satu raja. Tujuan dari permainan ini adalah untuk setiap pemain untuk mencoba dan sekak raja lawan. Checkmate adalah ancaman ('memeriksa') kepada raja menentang yang tidak bergerak bisa berhenti. Itu berakhir permainan. Selama permainan dua lawan bergiliran untuk memindahkan salah satu buah mereka untuk persegi yang berbeda dari papan. Satu pemain ('Putih') memiliki potongan warna terang; pemain lain ('Black') memiliki potongan warna gelap. Ada aturan tentang bagaimana potongan bergerak, dan tentang mengambil potongan lawan dari papan. Pemain dengan potongan putih selalu membuat langkah pertama. Karena itu, White memiliki keuntungan kecil, dan menang lebih sering daripada Hitam di game turnamen. Catur populer dan sering dimainkan di kompetisi yang disebut turnamen catur. Hal ini dinikmati di banyak negara. Dengan 3d catur offline anda dapat merasakan semua keindahan berinteraksi dengan set catur virtual. 3D Catur Offline adalah salah satu permainan catur paling realistis dan menyenangkan yang tersedia di ponsel. Sesuaikan tampilan dan nuansa permainan Anda dengan memilih papan meja. Ketuk sepotong untuk memilihnya dan kemudian ketuk pada posisi target yang diinginkan untuk membuat Anda bergerak. Fitur permainan: * grafis 3d; * Fitur perjodohan; * Tema yang berbeda dari set catur; * Sesuaikan tampilan dan nuansa papan. * Petunjuk untuk pemula - penyorotan mungkin bergerak; * Membatalkan mengoperasikan Nikmati peermainan 3d Catur Offline sambil ditemani dengan secangkir kopi agar lebih nikmat! catur offline, chess, 3d catur, catur 3d, chess master ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chess is a board game for two players. It is played on a square board, made of 64 small squares, with eight boxes on each side. Each player starts with sixteen pieces: eight pawns, two knights, two bishops, two Rooks, one queen and one king. The aim of the game is for each player to try and check the opponent's king. Checkmate is a threat ('checking') to the king against those who do not move can stop. That ended the game. During the game two opponents take turns to move one of their fruits to a different square from the board. One player ('White') has bright color pieces; other players ('Black') have dark color cuts. There are rules about how pieces move, and about taking opponent pieces from the board. Players with white pieces always make the first step. Because of this, White has small profits, and wins more often than Black in tournament games. Chess is popular and is often played in competitions called chess tournaments. This is enjoyed in many countries. With 3d chess offline you can feel all the beauty of interacting with the virtual chess set. 3D Chess Offline is one of the most realistic and fun chess games available on mobile. Adjust the look and feel of your game by choosing a table board. Tap a piece to select it and then tap on the desired target position to make you move. Game features: * 3D graphics; * Matchmaking feature; * Different themes from chess sets; * Adjust the look and feel of the board. * Instructions for beginners - highlighting may move; * Cancel the operation Enjoy the game of Offline Chess 3d while accompanied by a cup of coffee to make it more delicious! catur offline, chess, 3d catur, catur 3d, chess master The best Offline Chess 3D game is here! Chess is a board game for two players. It is played on a square board, made of 64 small squares, with eight boxes on each side. Each player starts with sixteen pieces: eight pawns, two knights, two bishops, two Rooks, one queen and one king. The aim of the game is for each player to try and check the opponent's king. Checkmate is a threat ('checking') to the king against those who do not move can stop. That ended the game. During the game two opponents take turns to move one of their fruits to a different square from the board. One player ('White') has bright color pieces; other players ('Black') have dark color cuts. There are rules about how pieces move, and about taking opponent pieces from the board. Players with white pieces always make the first step. Because of this, White has small profits, and wins more often than Black in tournament games. Chess is popular and is often played in competitions called chess tournaments. This is enjoyed in many countries. With 3d chess offline you can feel all the beauty of interacting with the virtual chess set. 3D Chess Offline is one of the most realistic and fun chess games available on mobile. Adjust the look and feel of your game by choosing a table board. Tap a piece to select it and then tap on the desired target position to make you move. Game features: * 3D graphics; * Matchmaking feature; * Different themes from chess sets; * Adjust the look and feel of the board. * Instructions for beginners - highlighting may move; * Cancel the operation Enjoy the game of Offline Chess 3d while accompanied by a cup of coffee to make it more delicious! offline chess, chess, 3d chess, 3d chess, master chess -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- Chess is a board game for two players. It is played on a square board, made of 64 small squares, with eight boxes on each side. Each player starts with sixteen pieces: eight pawns, two knights, two bishops, two rooks, one queen and one king. The aim of the game is for each player to try and check the opponent's king. Checkmate is a threat ('checking') to the king against those who do not move can stop. That ended the game. During the two opponents game take turns to move one of their fruits to a different square from the board. One player ('White') has bright color pieces; other players ('Black') have dark color cuts. How about pieces move, and about taking opponent pieces from the board. Players with white pieces always make the first step. Because of this, White has small profits, and wins more often than Black in tournament games. Chess is popular and often played in competitions called chess tournaments. This is enjoyed in many countries. With offline chess, you can interact with the virtual chess set. 3D Chess Offline is one of the most realistic and fun chess games available on mobile. Adjust the look and feel of your game by choosing a table board. Tap to select it and then tap on the desired target position to make you move. Game features: * 3D graphics; * Matchmaking feature; * Different themes from chess sets; * Adjust the look and feel of the board. * Instructions for beginners - highlighting may move; * Cancel the operation Enjoy the game of Offline Chess 3d while being accompanied by a cup of coffee to make it more delicious! offline chess, chess, 3d chess, 3d chess, master chess
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《3D Catur Offline如何升级版本》每当游戏问世一段时间游戏版本都会有或多或少的更新,3D Catur Offline版本更新,有3个方法。一是在UC应用商店的更新提醒里会提示你版本有更新,二是在九游有个更新提醒,里面也可以直接下载新版进行更新,三是游戏软件本身会提示你有新版更新,你可以选择更新,也可以选择忽略。点击下载按钮即可获得最新版本了。这三种方法都很简单呢!
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