Dragon DBZ Fighting: Saiyan Warrior如何升级版本游戏攻略
Dragon DBZ Fighting: Saiyan Warrior plays like 2D fighting game,FREE Dragon Ball - Super Saiyan
This game is challenging and fun, Keep in mind that many enemies will try to stop you completing the mission levels like goku dragon z.
Start your free Goku Battle Super Saiyan on goku Saiyan.
Goku and his friends must figth a new battle agianst enemies from parallel world want to usurped special ball. The story is split into seven chapters: the evil king piccolo, the saiyan clan invasion, the emperor of darkness frieza, the android army, the cell games, the revived of buu, the battle of god.
Become one of the most powerful Z champions in the Dragon Tournament. Choose from 39 different fighters and compare with other champions to prove to be the strongest. Unlock new champions, moved between 22 different worlds, transformed to increase your Ki power and spin your ultimate.
share Kamehameha games with your friends to collect coins to get high score on Saiyan Goku.
Dragon DBZ Fighting:
Great fight (dbz) between Goku and his teammates with Super Saiyan, Super Namek, and evil, devil forces, vs other universe forces.
The game is also a fight between superheroes.
This is a simple two-dimensional game with simple buttons, move, attack, simple skill, easy to play.
Reminiscent of the electronic play waiting from childhood.
Characters: Goku, Super Saiyan, Toppo,Jiren, evil heroes, wing lin, turtle warrior, berserker, z fighters, Goku Devil, saiyan warriors, Guerrier, omega-9, zamasu, hit, perfect cell
Fan game inspired in the series, in where you fight to become the best fighter in the tournament of power!
Play multiplayer online with your friends!
- Easy to play and control a to z
- 20 Super Hero ball Levels with amazing graphics shadow
- 80 levels / story with > 40 bosses.
- Many challenges each levels
- Many characters to collect and upgrade.
- Easily earn coin with watch reward video
- Watch video or use coins to spin lucky wheel.
- Watch video or use coins to buy god beans.
- Use many skill to beat Boss, melee attack, air attack, ground attack.
- Use god beans to recover health and power.
- Use coins or watch video to re-spawn in current place.
- Watch video or use coins to avoid downgrade level.
- Change main character to fight, unlock super sayan levels
- Easy control
Stage: Nearly 50 levels are extremely attractive
Enjoy playing this game, and don't forget to rate us and give us your opinion about this game to make it more fine for all dragon fighting.
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