Father cooks and wonderful sweets_ games for girls如何升级版本游戏攻略
You have three great games :
games one.
is a very nice girl flash game in which the beautiful princess decides to make an unusual and interesting cake that will decorate a chocolate shoe. Follow the princess to the shop where you buy and pay all the raw materials you need. Then follow the on-screen instructions, bake the cake, chocolate cake, and finally decorate the finished cake.
games 2
Who said that Dad would not cook? Today is a special day, my mother is not at home, my father needs to cook for himself, can you help him? You need to make 3 dishes: breakfast cooking, fried potatoes and chicken, pancakes for cooking. You only need to follow your father's instructions and instructions. are you ready? Try it!
game 3
is a Puzzle game on GaHe.Com. You can play Desserts Cooking For Party in your browser for free. Will you make a cake? Do you want to learn how to make a cake? Let's play the game! The girl needs to make a cake for a party. Firstly, go to the market to buy ingredients.
games for girls
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群雄逐鹿,问鼎天下!由Miracle Games发行的《一骑当千2》即将登陆微软商店,三国题材游戏向来层出不穷,而《一骑当千2》在诸多游戏中杀出一条血路可以说跟其特色玩法有很大关系的。接下来小编就带你,横扫千军排山倒海,混战三国古战场!
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