HB Following Directions如何升级版本游戏攻略
The award-winning, evidence-based software program is now an Android app! HearBuilder Following Directions gives students a systematic way to improve their auditory and following directions skills! At the same time, students will learn how to become Master Toy Makers while building their own Toy Central factories.
Take a free tour of the first level of all the activities in the app. If you have a subscription to HearBuilder Online and a student login, you can access the entire app.
App features:
•Follow increasingly difficult directions
•Demonstrate knowledge of 40 basic concepts in five areas: Basic Directions, Sequential Directions, Quantitative & Spatial Directions, Temporal Directions, and Conditional Directions
•Research and evidence based
•Teaches children important listening and sound awareness for reading
•Uses a fun game format to teach children better auditory processing and listening skills
•Meets the needs of children with different skill levels
•Monitors progress and provides frequent feedback
•Allows educator to add background noise at any level
Humble Bundle又双叒叕送游戏了,本周赠送的是Steam售价68元的经典策略游戏——《英雄连2》。PS:本次HB福利是锁区的,“喜加一”党请选择科学的上网方式领取。
Humble Bundle推出了新一期喜加一福利,即日起至6月24日凌晨,玩家们可以免费在HB领取Steam原价78元的《暗影狂奔:归来》。本作是一款单人回合制策略类RPG作品,其独特的赛博朋克奇幻世界设定获得了不少玩家们的青睐。感兴趣的朋友不妨前往HB领取,入手一试。
Humble Bundle昨天推出了全新的游戏慈善包,这一次的主题是BEST OF 2017,自然是指2017年那些最好玩的游戏。和以往的习惯一样,用户最低仅需1美元就可以拥有3款游戏,如果超过均价还会得到更多,一起来看看有没有必要剁手吧!
这一次的1美元位置三款游戏分别是: 玩具熊的五夜后宫:姐妹地点 、模拟山羊 和黑客网络。