Draw 1 Line"如何升级版本游戏攻略
A brain-training puzzle in which you draw 1 line, that will sharpen your wits.
In this free-to-play puzzle game, you merely have to draw one line. It is deceptively simple, yet profoundly deep.
There are many dots on screen and you have to connect all these dots with one line and one stroke. These dots makes a shape after connecting with eachother.
How to Play:
★ One simple rule: Draw in & connect all the dots with one single line.
★ Draw given fingers with only one stroke.
★ Connect all the points with just one line.
★ You cannot draw twice the same line.
★ When you get stuck, make use of a hint.
★ In case you find yourself stuck and without any idea to use HINTS!
★ It starts off with simple shapes, but each time your level increases, the number of lines increases, and it gets more and more complicated.
Main Features:
★ Over 500+ advance of LEVELS to dive right in & much more to come!
★ Completely RESTART a level if you're stumped upon, or use HINTS to help you along the way!
★ Feel that satisfaction once you find the optimal way to completely pass through a shape!
The good snack to activate your brain every time, this game is incredibly intuitive and fun for all ages and skill levels!
Only a few players can complete the quests in this game. Can you pass it and solve the puzzle? Let's try it now!
《Hang Line》 这款游戏是由开发商 Ed Kay 所推出,目前放出了《Hang Line》的游戏截图,从图片中可以看出,这是一款利用发射钩子避开重重危险并且前进的动作游戏。
玩家必须要发射钩子并且在山上移动,由于在攀爬过程中必须加上自身重量的关系。 这意味著玩家需要迅速从一个点移动到另一个点,尝试往更高的区域攀爬,同时避免如雪崩、山崩这些危险,游戏中甚至连山羊都会对玩家攻击。
即时通信应用程式 LINE 今日(7月31日)宣佈将在「LINE GAME」推出人气电视动画《BLEACH》的手机游戏《LINE BLEACH -PARADISE LOST-(ラインブリーチ パラダイスロスト)》(iOS/Android),并开启了事前预约。预计2017年内配信!
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