The Queen Of Fighters如何升级版本游戏攻略
The Queen Of Fighters is a beautiful fighting game with 10 cute and beautiful girls, you
can choose one of several different types of girls to defeat all the others when you
choose story mode.
Game features:
Simple and easy to operate,super cool fighting experience.
Even novice players in this fighting games will be able to release various Special Moves
after reading the tutorial interface about Special Moves.
Story Mode: Defeat all girls in turn,and you will be the queen of fighters.
Player VS AI Mode: combat with AI.
AI VS AI Mode: Watch and learn.
Training Mode: Practice your combat skills.
Store: You will unlock and get a more beautiful look for each girl.
今日,游戏开发商LINE宣布,旗下一款集合LINE旗下各知名角色的游戏新作《LINE Fighters》(LINE ファイター)现已正式开始配信。
今日,SNK中国运营本部宣布,“《THE KING OF FIGHTERS》联合发布会”将于北京时间5月9日14:00在北京举行。发布会以“格斗不死 青春再燃”为主题,内容围绕“拳皇系列经典IP品牌战略以及新品、合作信息发布”展开,在公布《拳皇世界》手游、《拳皇命运》动画、《拳皇14》格斗游戏等新作最新消息的同时,表达SNK多年来专注于游戏制作态度,并揭示未来SNK发展的重要方向。