Run Gun Sports如何升级版本游戏攻略
Are you faster than a speeding bullet?
Sports are better when you have gun legs. Run faster! Jump higher! Shoot for the gold!
Attaching guns to your legs has revolutionized track and field competition forever! The recoil from your gun legs will send you flying over the running track. Pulverize those world records! Experiment with using the bazooka legs and fly even higher!
In RUN GUN SPORTS you travel the world competing in track and field championships. Barcelona, Atlanta, Osaka, Athens. Can you beat them all?
-Several different athletic events: hurdles, high jump, horizontal bars and more
-Over 300 levels
-Challenge the world’s most famous sport cities
-Many different guns: bazooka, shotgun, flame thrower
-Represent your country in national uniforms
-Get sponsored by well-known brands like BEEROOK and PURRMA
-Daily Challenges
-Some explosions
-Actually, a lot of explosions
Run Gun Sports is track & field with gun legs!
今天,科乐美宣布,旗下运动模拟类游戏新作《Hyper Sports R》将登陆Switch。《Hyper Sports》是科乐美旗下的一个体育类游戏品牌,有超过30年的悠久历史,新作登陆Switch也证明这个品牌将进军新的平台。
《Hyper Sports R》预告:
《Hyper Sports R》是一款运动模拟类游戏,玩家可以从20多名角色中培养运动员,参加田径、沙滩排球、游泳等各项运...
以节奏动作游戏《摇滚乐团》系列与《舞动全身》系列闻名的开发商Harmonix Music Systems,与开发商Tilting Point共同开发的Apple TV游戏《Beat Sports》目前已经正式推出啦,售价10美元!
本作要配合音乐节奏击球,畅玩4 种运动系迷你游戏,包括棒球、曲棍球、网球等。操作由Siri Remote运动传感遥控装置进行,不过也能将下载了“Bea...
EA Sports预测2018世界杯冠军,这次法国队将夺冠。今年,世界杯足球赛又快到了,其风潮当然会吹到以足球为主题的游戏界别了。《FIFA》游戏系列的出版商 EA Sports,就来通过他们《FIFA 18》的数值预测一下今届世界杯会花落谁家,结果预测了法国队将夺冠。
据 EA Sports 的预测,2018 年世界杯冠军将会由法国夺得,不过却是在和局的情况下,以点球方式与德国分胜负,最终...