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Love soccer? Looking for ways to enjoy soccer games on your mobile device? You have landed at the exact right place. This app lets you enjoy a great experience of soccer game and it is a completely fun game. You will thoroughly enjoy this unique game on football on your android device. This is the most amazing game of football to enjoy on your android device. You will fall in love with this.
With Soccer Stars, you can enjoy an outstanding mix of soccer games. Now you can put your skills to the test with free football games. This is the most fun and challenging soccer game and you will definitely enjoy it. While playing Soccer Stars, it feels like you are competing against real soccer stars.
Different varieties of soccer games in this unique game and you can enjoy it very well. It is now time to boast and show off your soccer skills among your friends. Soccer Stars has three types of games.
✓ Throw the soccer ball
✓ Hit the goal keeper with three levels
✓ Two puzzle games with five difficulty levels
This unique soccer game is designed for kids, teens and adults of all ages and especially those who love soccer. People from all age groups will thoroughly enjoy it. Playing soccer with ‘Soccer Stars’ feels like playing real football with real football stars. There are different difficult levels and you can thoroughly work on enhancing your soccer skills by switching difficulty levels slowly. So, if you are a beginner at soccer and just learning different skills, nothing to worry, just switch to easy difficulty level and start playing soccer.
If you love soccer, here is your chance to be a soccer hero. You can shoot and score goals with your own way. The app difficulty levels include – ‘Beginner’, ‘Easy’, ‘Hard’, ‘Very Hard’ & ‘Extremely Hard’. So, we have designed this awesome soccer game for people with different soccer skills and you will definitely enjoy it. With the Soccer Match, you get different tries for different levels. Example, for Levels 1 to 4, you get 5 tries. For Levels 5 to 8, you get 4 tries. For Levels 9 and 10, you get 3 tries. This app has amazing graphics and you will be stunned looking at this.
Starting from throwing the soccer ball and breaking the net to destroy the soccer goalies is challenging and with three levels. To win the soccer cup, you have to knockout all the goalies. You get a total of 5 attempts to knock out all goalies. Soccer Stars is a super cool Soccer Physics game. Soccer Games Free puzzle challenge with two puzzles each have five levels, a beginner three by three, easy four by four, hard six by six, very hard nine by nine, and extremely hard twelve by twelve will give you all the challenge if you love puzzle type games with a cool Soccer Stars theme. Soccer Physics matching will give you a challenge with soccer balls of all different colors and a soccer shoes with different colors as well.
Here is why you should download the Soccer Stars – Play Soccer game:
✓ Beautiful HD Graphic that will give you a very great experience playing this soccer game.
✓ You love soccer
✓ You want to show off your soccer skills
✓ You love enjoying playing soccer with real football experience
✓ You love puzzles and cracking your brains at solving interesting puzzles
✓ You love challenges and are looking for a fun soccer game to play on your android device
✓ This game is for intelligent people who want to challenge their brain playing a fun game.
Soccer Star’s vision is to keep soccer fans entertained with the most fun and challenging game. Every soccer fan will definitely enjoy this amazing game experience. If you have played our soccer app and you have liked, do give us a thumbs up by rating on play store.
Do not forget to share this app with all your friends who are equally crazy about soccer. This app will be lovable for all soccer fans.
✓ Soccer Stars – Play Soccer is free play
✓ This app contains third party advertising but does not collect your information
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由英国游戏开发商We Heart Dragons推出的消除类益智游戏《铭文探索》(Glyph Quest)曾获得许多玩家的青睐。前不久,我们也曾经报道过这款游戏的续作《铭文探索:编年史》( Glyph Quest: Chronicles)将会与玩家见面,但是具体时间尚无法知晓。而在今天,日本游戏公司Chorus Worldwide宣布,这个游戏将在5月登陆日服,所以,在这个月我们就可以和这款经典续...