New Fashion Dress Up Girls Games如何升级版本游戏攻略
Challenge your fashion sense by matching clothes for different occasions. You can also take fashion classes and turn to a fashion expert. Girls' new fashion dress up games are an unprecedented adventure in the world of fashion. Dress and make up like your favorite superstars.
The dress up show has begun Create your famous avatar resembling what you imagine and be your own personal stylist by mixing and matching your favorite look. With the new girl fashion dress up games, an extensive collection of clothing and accessories to choose from for every occasion. So many combinations for avatars and outfits. This time, it's about fashion games and renewal of unusual appearances, because you will transform your Princess doll using a fashion outfit for girls into a fashion celebrity that you prefer. The fashion boutique in girls' new fashion dress up games is for girls who love fashion and new trends and want to be stylists.
You can dress them for the red carpet, coolest parties, movie awards, dates and photo shoots. Choose for your princess doll various hairstyles and you can try other colors such as blond hair or brown hair or what you like.
Accessories are also very important in all fashion games: handbags and shoes or beautiful jewels will give a brilliant appearance to your doll.
Try to find the perfect combination between the dresses you choose and these accessories like shoes, necklaces, earrings, handbags and see the results:
With the new girls' dress up games, your princess doll will be fabulous! We hope you like our fashion games and that you like to play this kind of dress up games. Can you help these adorable princesses?
How to play the new Girls Fashion Dress Up Games:
• Choose one of the superstar characters to dress up or create your own dolls with the Avatar Builder.
• Choose a category by clicking on it, then clothing and accessories in that category to put your character on.
• Customize your appearance with countless combinations.
• After you finish dressing it, keep it in the game.
505 Games是隶属于意大利最大的游戏经销商Digital Bros集团下的电子游戏发行商和开发商,自2006年成立以来,发行过《泰拉瑞亚(Terraria)》、《PAYDAY 2(收获日2)》、《神力科沙》、《ABZU》、《传送门骑士》、《火星记忆》等,作为在欧美市场中不可忽视的重要游戏发行商之一,近年来505 Games也逐渐走进中国玩家的视野中。
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