Nova Rush如何升级版本游戏攻略
The game nova rush is a boss rush, top-down shooter where you take control of a small ship and have to take down other bigger and badder ship. The game control includes swiping left and right to move, swiping up or down to change your ship bullet color. To deal damage to the enemy and their bullet you will have to shoot them with the same color, if your bullet is the opposite color than it will heal them instead. The game have 12 bosses and 3 playable characters, all of which have their distinct features.
The main objective of the game is to defeat all of the bosses and unlock all the character, with 12 different bosses and 3 playable characters. Each time you beat a boss, the next boss will be unblocked, by defeating all the bosses, you unlock a new character. When a new character is selected it reset all the bosses, and you have to play through the game again with the just unblocked character.
五洲王者 决胜东京
中国NOVA 力斩群雄
首轮:冷门不断 亚洲崛起
CRL第三周 6场比赛好戏连台——NOVA一周双赛,OP能否终结皇室霸主不败神话?GO大战SNAKE,众星云集再演五盘大战?WE&LGD豪门聚首,关键卡位之战鹿死谁手?而JDG和EDG.M更将面对面厮杀,青春风暴震撼来袭!
周五关键词:爆冷 or 横扫?