Ancient Battle Rome如何升级版本游戏攻略
Designed from the ground up Ancient Battle: Rome gives a unique wargaming experience. Use Roman legionaries, elephants, catapults, heavy and light cavalry, archers, slingers, fanatics and many other unit types to engage in classic battles.
The new Android edition includes purchasable campaigns such as the invasion of Brittania with the highlight of Queen Boudicca's demise at the battle of Verulamum, and Germania with the Roman massacre at Teutoburger Wald.
Key Features:
● High Definition Ancient Era Graphics.
● 7 Mission Tutorial Campaign.
● 8 Mission Gallia Campaign playable as the Romans and Gaul.
● 32 Unique Ancient Units.
● Detailed Combat Analysis
● Flank Attacks
● Hours of Gameplay.
● Additional Purchasable Campaigns.
Purchasable Extra Content:
● 8 Mission Italia Campaign playable as Caesar and Pompey.
● 8 Mission Britannia Campaign playable as the Romans and Britons.
● 8 Mission Germania Campaign playable as the Romans and Germans.
● 8 Mission Pontic Campaign playable as the Romans and Pontic
● 8 Mission Parthia Campaign playable as the Romans and Parthians
● 8 Mission Terra Incognita Campaign playable as the Romans
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SE在这周才刚刚上架的《Battle of Blade》可谓姗姗来迟,游戏原定于11月27日上线,结果到了当日,官方装死了大半天才在推特上放出一句游戏发现了重大BUG需要跳票,结果鸽了半个月才终于搞定。
由日本知名制作人坂口博信担纲制作的RPG作品《Terra Battle》在 2015 年里取得了不错的成绩,而在这款游戏上架之前,官方就推出了一个“下载解锁”活动,每当游戏达到一定的下载次数,官方就会制作或推出一些新的内容,当然这也不仅仅局限于游戏本身。
最近坂口博信在美国洛杉矶举办的 Anime Expo 2017 活动中透露,《Terra Battle》的家用主机版本仍在开发当中。根...