Movie Trivia Cracks - Disney如何升级版本游戏攻略
Are you a real fan of Disney productions? Do you think you know all the facts about Walt Disney, every production ?
Can you Guess the Pics about Disney Movie list with just 1 Pic?
-Game is 100% totally free! Install it to start playing and enjoy!
-Look at the image and try to guess the Image of about Disney Movie!
-Are you a good with Disney Movie? How Far can you get?
-NO INTERNET Needed: You can play the game without being connected to any network.
At each level you will be shown a character from one of the many Disney Classics and you will have to guess the name in order to access the next level.
The first levels are easy, there are the great protagonists of the films, but then going forward you will meet all the characters of the films and you will have to show that you are a real enthusiast to access the next levels.
New levels coming soon!
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