Fishing Joy Diary如何升级版本游戏攻略
Fishing Joy Diary gives you an exciting hunting experience in the ocean with diverse marine life, variety of weapons and items.
Gotta catch and shoot 'em all.
Features Fishing Joy Diary
# 9 cannons with different power and speed.
# Drop a piece of bread to bait all all fishes together.
# Strike an electric shock to stun all fishes in the area.
# Catch as many fishes as possible to power up your cannon into a laser firer.
# Reward shells every leveling up.
# Hidden items in bonus stage.
# Auto online/offline coin regenerate when you are lack of coins.
Intuitive game rules Fishing Diary - Fishing Joy:
# Tap screen to catch fishes.
# Drag and drop an item.
Enjoy !!
第十四届ChinaJoy将于7月28日-7月31日在上海新国际博览中心举行,雷霆游戏携旗下手游《问道》、《虽远必诛》、《斩将封神》、《女神觉醒2》,端游《斗仙2》等多款产品亮相,展位位于BTOB W3-B709。此外在C馆入口处,雷霆游戏特设派水摊位,为各位玩家免费奉上夏日清凉。
【《问道》手游登陆CJ盛会 经典水女亮相】
九游消息:明天,就在明天!年度游戏盛会 China Joy将盛大开幕!此刻我们要做的就是收集更多周边资料,明天才能满载而归!小编挖到料说本届China Joy搜狗展台不仅给大家带了各种动漫卡通明星,还准备了丰富精彩的现场活动,让你拿不了兜着走哦!