Clash & GO: AR Strategy手机版下载游戏攻略
Clash & GO is a first game to combine a fun geolocation game in augmented reality (AR) and an epic city-building strategy game with real-time battles.
Take control of your own asteroid base in space! Show your tactical skills by establishing defence tower, training your troops, and leveling up your hero. Can you build an impenetrable stronghold that stops other people from stealing your stuff?
Then hop into your cool fast spaceship (and walk outside in the real world!) to explore the suce of a huge AR planet and find mysterious artifacts and useful buildings. Will you be lucky or fast enough to capture them first? You can also use your army to take over a rival base and seize what’s rightfully yours.
There’s always something fun to do in Clash & GO! At any moment, you can start a single player campaign and try to conquer over 60+ increasingly powerful AI enemies. Use the reward to strengthen your defences and prepare for real war.
Clash & GO is a popular new tower defense and RTS that’s full of action! Upgrade your defense, attack other people, become addicted to the best mobile game out there!
Hurry to be among the first lucky people to reach the top rating in your city! With some faith and desire, you will be able to reach the top level and show your friends who've got the best army in the city.
Ask your friend to be an ally or get into the clan to fight other friends in PVP war. Level up your hero and unit and attack the enemy together with friends to win epic rewards! Invent new special strategy and conquer a cunning AI in a single player campaign. Upgrade your troop to fight and defend against any enemy. Trusted friends and your spaceship is all you need. New rewards await brave galaxy explorers in this fun free to play mobile space RTS. Become addicted to the best free online mobile game on the planet. The fate of the galaxy lies upon your shoulders!
+ Build an impregnable asteroid base
+ Assemble different types of cool special units into a victorious army
+ Level up your hero with classic RPG elements as you play
+ Explore an Earth-sized open world planet in AR
+ Find ancient treasures and powerful artifacts if you’re lucky
+ Complete quests by exploring interesting and cool locations in the open world
+ Find and capture useful buildings for your gain
+ Shape the augmented reality planet to your desire
+ Engage other players in a fierce PvP battle
+ Forget boring magic and fantasy and fight an epic online battle in the galaxy!
+ Create a popular clan with your friend or ally and wage war to control your neighborhood!
+ Put your faith in your clan and defend your space asteroid
+ Earn a special game score and reach the top of the player rating
Are you ready to claim the parallel world for yourself?
Play Clash & GO now for free on Android 5+!
Clash & GO is developed by Elyland, creators of Draconius GO, MyLands, and other projects entertaining more than 77 million users worldwide.
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本作为一款以官方旗下人气线上FPS《SF》为基础来进行开发制作,并将会搭载AR(Augmented Reality)扩增实境技术,让游戏与现实相互融合的一款手机射击新作。游戏中玩家们将可以利用手机在现实世界里找出敌人并将之打倒,或...
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如果说任天堂与 DeNA 合作的首款手游《Miitomo》开启事前登陆,却没中国玩家什么事儿不足以让你掉眼泪,因为它既不是含着金汤匙出生的热门 IP,休闲社交玩法也确实看上去比较鸡肋的话,在看到全球粉丝千千万,从公布之初就因其知名主角和捆绑 AR 技术的玩法期待值爆满的《口袋妖怪GO》首发地区同样无缘中国的消息后,大多数人绝对无法再绅士地保持这般不动声色的状态。
据 PM 社长石原恒透露...