Dragon and Incredible adventure Z手机版下载游戏攻略
The latest hot-blooded combat game Dragon and incredible adventure Z is now available for players around the world! Relive the classic story, collect the powerful martial artists, and explore a wonderful adventure! Collect the scattered “Balls” and summon Kami to realize your dream!
◆A massive collection of martial artists
Recruit different types of martial artists to set the most powerful team of the universe.
◆Strategic battles
Using strategies in the brutal battles with gorgeous and forceful skills.
◆World raids
Team up with players worldwide to protect the Earth together.
◆ Get on top of the Championship of the World
Fight for the Championship of the World, to be one of the Hall of Fame.
◆A full plotline and countless fun
Vividly bring you back to the original story, making you lost in the scene.
Join in Dragon and incredible adventure Z! It’s time for you to light up the battlefield!
《Dragon War》将星云集——张郃
次时代动作手游《Dragon War》还原风起云涌的三国时代,弹指一挥间尽显英雄本色。悍将林立群雄并起,如何选择人才就成了重中之重。初次进入游戏,有男女两位武将供君选择。如果偏爱猛猛哒真?汉子,张郃就成为你的亲密战友。初次相逢的武将是否和你眼缘,以下我们就来了解一二。
在手游《Dragon War》中,角色职...
《Dragon War》力量型武将推荐
乱石穿空惊涛拍岸,昆仑游戏推出的次世代动作手游《Dragon War》,以全新的视角解读群雄争霸的年代。谋臣武将粉墨登场,各自身怀绝技,属性不尽相同。以下,小编就来和大家分享游戏中战力逆天的力量型武将。