Geo Challenge Classic手机版下载游戏攻略
A beautiful geography trivia game to test your geography knowledge as well as your reflexes!
With beautiful graphics and catchy music, it's a perfect casual game to fill up your time.
Test your geography knowledge by completing simple and fun challenges:
1. Guess the flag! How good are you at recognizing world flags? It's easy in the beginning but things get harder as you go.
2. Guess the border! Can you recognize a country by the look of its border? Here's your chance to prove it.
3. Find the city! Just tap on the right spot! This challenge will bring you the most points overall, so make sure you are very accurate!
Connect to Facebook, compete against your friends and show them who's the best geographer in town!
《实验室挑战》(Test Chamber Challenge)是一款益智闯关游戏。你觉得你的脑袋够聪明吗?你觉得你的思维能力够强大吗?那么来挑战这款游戏吧!36个具有挑战性的游戏设计,以测试你的智商,逻辑能力和推理能力。内置的帮助系统能够在你卡住的时候为你提供一点灵感。喜欢此类游戏的玩家快来下载这款《实验室挑战》体验试玩吧!
任天堂新主机Switch在上周正式发布,相信最吸引玩家眼球的就是其特色的“主机+掌机”组合方式,提到这款主机的掌机模式,可以想象到是玩起街机游戏绝对过瘾。而据外媒最新报道,Switch主机竟然真的可以玩Neo Geo游戏!
Hamster Corp将把旗下招牌街机游戏带到Switch主机上,《拳皇98》将在3月发售打头阵。
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