Adventure Bird - Best Escape手机版下载游戏攻略
Rescue Adventure Bird From Cage is the latest point and click escape game created by
The concept of the game is to Rescue Adventure Bird From Cage. In this game, While you were in vacation at your grandparents this summer, you got a new pet. It's not an ordinary pet, it's a little bird. You found this bird wounded and took care of it until it got better. Than you released it to the wild, but the little bird was so grateful that often came back to you. You named the bird Mugil. Almost everyday Mugil came by to get some food and play with you. Still the next week Mugil didn't show up. You knew something was wrong so went to investigate. That's how you found Mugil locked in a cage. Help the little bird escape. Good luck and have fun!
人气手游《Flappy Bird》自从App Store下架以来,这款游戏在玩家与业界的影响依旧存在,游戏开发者阮哈东按照此前计划重新推出这款游戏,新版本中将支持双人模式。
阮哈东周五通过亚马逊Android应用商店发布了《Flappy Bird Family》,这一新版本目前尚未在苹果App Store和谷歌Play中上线。这款游戏还支持亚马逊的Fire TV平台,同时引入了新的...
《好朋友》(best friends)是手游开发商 Seriously 于近日发布的一款休闲新作,手游以森林中的虫子守护者和火山上的鼻涕虫军团间的战争作为主题,玩家通过连线消除的方式让虫子们获得力量向鼻涕虫们进行攻击,不同虫子的属性也各不相同,相同属性的连线越长该属性的虫子所获得的力量就越大,而每一关所需要挑战的鼻涕虫实力都各不相同,玩家需要找到其他虫子伙伴一起对付这些鼻涕虫大军。