Jewel Epic ™手机版下载游戏攻略
Welcome to another epic jewel game!
How to play Jewel Epic Arcade mode:
1: Match 3 or more identical jewels.
2: Match the jewels until the board transparency.
3: Get the jewel star down to last line to pass the level. Tips: Eliminate the jewels quickly and match 4 or more can get extra scores.
Jewel Epic Features:
- Match 4 jewels can win the jewel's bomb and 1 lighting.
- Match 5 jewels can win color-changing jewels.
- The jeweled bomb can eliminate the jewels around.
- The Color-changing jewel can eliminate to any other colored jewel.
- The Timing Jewel can extend the playing time.
- The lightning Jewel can eliminate jewels in one row.
How to play Jewel Epic Classic mode:
- Reach the score to pass to the next far can you go?
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去年福布斯公布V社G胖是全美最富有的人之一,但现在另一位游戏界大佬的财富已经超过G胖,他就是Epic游戏创始人兼CEO Tim Sweeney。
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