City of Chaos Online MMORPG手机版下载游戏攻略
This game is still under development. This means that it it not complete. Play this only if you want to see our development progress!
* Each update we will let you know what we did AND what we will be doing next.
* We can only work on so many feature, or fixes, or content at a time so if you wondering why we are not doing this or why we are not doing that, it's because we are already working on the tasks we posted in each release note. We will keep working on more and more updates though! Our goal is to make this city really fun, but it takes time. Thanks for your support!
After escaping from a zombie and bully infested school you find yourself roaming an unknown city. It seems like a safe place. Wait... Who are those people? Why do they carry bats, sword, and guns? Are they friend or are they foe?
今天阳光普照,让小编再偷偷地告诉你个好消息。!近日,广州某游戏工作室打造的国产MMORPG《世界OL 2》(The World 2)曝光,《风暴帝国》是手游《世界OL》的续作,计划于2014年12月发布。掐指一算,还有小半年的时间,只能数着脚趾头慢慢等了。
《世界OL 2》中将有50个英雄角色可供玩家选择,其中又可区分为五种特性截然不同的职业。游戏的操作方式采用手势触控,玩家可藉由不同的触...
Crowd City没有声音怎么解决?很多玩家都遇到了Crowd City没有声音的情况,小编给大家带来了游戏没有声音解决方法介绍,一起来看看。
Crowd City没有声音解决方法介绍