One By One - Free Multilingual Word Search手机版下载游戏攻略
One By One - Word Search is a new relaxing word search game for all ages with 2game modes in 14 different languages!
This is a free to play version of the game. You can find also a premium version of the game
Supported Languages (a flag icon):
✓ English
✓ Spanish
✓ German
✓ French
✓ Czech
✓ Slovak
✓ Turkish
✓ Portuguese
✓ Russian
✓ Swedish
✓ Finnish
✓ Polish
✓ Italian
✓ A colorful word search game for all ages
✓ 2 game modes - Classic and Relax
✓ Multilingual - thousands of hidden words in 14 languages included
✓ Each game is different
✓ More games you play, better overall score you get
✓ Submit and share your points and challenge people from all around the world
✓ Set your background color
✓ Big easy to read letters
✓ Learn new words and languages in an entertaining way
✓ No sound or music, so you can comfortably listen to your favorite music during playing
Game modes:
✓ Classic - You can take a break after each game.
✓ Endless (premium) - play without breaks! Your overall points are saved after each game. You can submit and end the game anytime by pressing the X button.
✓ Relax - no time limit or points
Do you think that you can make it into TOP20 highscores?
Support links:
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Thank you and have fun!
《Three Twenty One》是一款第一人称的恐怖解谜游戏,不过和其它游戏不同,这是由几个已经从游戏行业退休的“老人们”和志愿者组成的小团队共同完成的慈善游戏。据悉,《Three Twenty One》将于7月1日正式在Steam上发售,届时玩家们可以免费下载试玩。
根据官方介绍,为了支持温斯顿慈善机构,《Three Twenty One》将以免费的形式发布,并用于支持孤儿的慈善项目。...
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画面效果和帧率是游戏中最受关注的两个特点。《刺客信条:起源》制作人Ashraf Ismail谈到Xbox One X时表示,“Xbox One X机能强大。我们的游戏能够快速地以高保真度运行。Xbox One X版本很漂亮。根...
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